Continuing from 5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid (Part 1), here are three more missteps that businesses commonly make when it comes to running social media marketing campaigns. To avoid these and other marketing mistakes, contact the professionals at Epic Web Results. We can develop a cost-effective, innovative and comprehensive online marketing package that can help promote and grow your business.  

The single biggest mistake businesses can make with social media marketing is not entrusting these campaigns to professionals like those at Epic Web Results.

The single biggest mistake businesses can make with social media marketing is not entrusting these campaigns to professionals like those at Epic Web Results.

Mistake 3: Not asking questions or trying to engage others

Good posts to social media will be those that capture people’s attention, get “liked,” get reposted/shared and ultimately increase a business’ exposure among wider audiences. One way to optimize the chances that posts will be interesting to other people is to outright ask people what they think about some issue, topic, event, etc. The fact is that people love to share their opinions, and asking people what they think is typically an easy way to engage them in your business’ posts.

Mistake 4: Over promotion of a business

While you will want to mention and continue referring to your business in your social media posts, try to refrain from “overselling” yourself. This means that you should try to not may all of your posts directly about your business; instead, try to make 1 in 3 or even about half of your posts based on news or topics that may be related to your business, rather than specifically about the services, products or deals you offer.

The point is that you don’t want your posts to become white noise for the people who may be following them online. If you splice in newsworthy topics or issues that may be related to your business, you can keep people engaged (and you have a better chance of asking questions in your posts in order to start discussions/get responses).

Mistake 5: Not hiring a professional to oversee social media marketing strategies

The bottom line is that social media marketing is an important part of a business’ overall marketing efforts and that failing to entrust this task to skilled professionals increases the chances that:

  • These campaigns will be mismanaged.
  • A brand or business’ image will be hurt (potentially in the long-term if serious mistakes are made).
  • A business will lose potential new clients.

Whether you have been running a social media marketing campaign on your own or you are ready to get one started for your business, the professionals at Epic Web Results are here to help you make this campaign as effective as possible.

Effective Social Media and Other Online Marketing Solutions at Epic Web Results

At Epic Web Results, our respected industry professionals are skilled social media marketers who can help boost a law firm’s profile, reach and relevancy to potential clients. Our legal internet marketing strategies are cutting edge, as well as cost effective, and they are specifically tailored to the needs and budget of your law firm. In addition to developing and implementing effective social medial marketing campaigns for firms, our professionals are also ready to help your firm design and roll out optimized websites that will soar to the top of search engines.

Some of our specific services include website design (including for mobile devices), link building, website analytics, social media marketing, etc.

Our extensive experience developing the best possible online results for our Clients means that we consistently provide a variety of innovative online legal marketing solutions that can ultimately help grow our Clients’ businesses. Our goal is to provide your business or firm with aggressive, effective legal marketing solutions that will help attract potential new clients while continuing to engage existing clients.

Let’s Talk about Marketing Solutions for Your Firm

To learn more about what we do at Epic Web Results, please do not hesitate to email us or call us at (800) 501-9724.