Mobile websites are a vital part of a business’s Internet marketing efforts, as these days, more Americans access the internet with smartphones or other mobile devices than with desktop computers. In fact, according to 2014 mobile website statistics (compiled by various reputable sources):

  • When you are ready to grow your practice and develop an engaging attorney mobile website, contact the professionals at Epic Web Results.

    When you are ready to grow your practice and develop an engaging attorney mobile website, contact the professionals at Epic Web Results.

    On average, people spend at least 8 percent of their day (about 2 hours) looking at a mobile screen.

  • More than 25 percent of all online searches are conducted on mobile devices.
  • About 70 percent of mobile searches lead to action within an hour of the search.
  • Nearly 60 percent of people will NOT recommend a company or firm that has a poorly designed mobile website.

The bottom line is that it’s not only essential to have a mobile website to stay competitive but that the mobile website must be well-designed in order to get users to respond appropriately and stay interested in your firm.

In this three-part blog, we will discuss some of the design elements that are necessary to building a successful mobile website for law firms and attorneys. If you are ready to start developing a mobile website for your firm – or you need to improve your firm’s current mobile website, contact the industry professionals at Epic Web Results today.

How to Design a Successful Attorney Mobile Website

1. Feature your law firm’s contact information.

First and foremost, you want your law firm’s contact information – including your phone number and address – to be very prominent on the home page of your attorney mobile website. The fact is that, if people are looking up lawyers on mobile devices, they likely need to talk to (or meet with) an attorney right away, so they will want to figure out how to get ahold of you.

While you can simply feature your firm’s phone number and address on the home page of the mobile site, it’s even better to add “click-to-call” or “click-for-directions” buttons to make it even that much easier for users (i.e., potential new clients) to get in contact with you. The thing to remember is that the easier you make it for people to contact you or get the information they need from your attorney mobile website, the better.

2. Keep the language concise.

For attorney mobile websites, the message and specific language that delivers it should be simple, concise and to the point. Get rid of extra, flowery language. This will only obscure your message and will likely frustrate potential clients.

When trying to keep your attorney mobile website content concise, some good things to keep in mind are that:

  • Bulleted info is easy for people to read.
  • Keep sentences short.
  • Include “read more” buttons if there is extra (but not essential) language to include.

For our continued discussion regarding important design elements for attorney mobile websites, be sure to check out the upcoming second and third parts of this blog.

Internet Marketing Solutions at Epic Web Results

Are you ready to develop an engaging, successful mobile website for your law firm? If so, contact the Internet marketing professionals at Epic Web Results. We are up to date with the latest advances in Internet marketing and SEO best practices, and we are highly adept at designing and maintaining optimized websites that will soar to the top of search engines.

Our extensive experience developing the best possible online results for our Clients means that we consistently provide a variety of cost-effective Internet marketing solutions that can ultimately help grow our Clients’ businesses.

Contact Us Today

To learn more about our customized, innovative Internet marketing solutions, contact the professionals at Epic Web Results by calling (800) 501-9724 or by emailing us using the contact form on this page.