For well over two decades, Google has been a powerhouse, focused on evaluating and ranking websites to deliver people the information they are seeking online.

While a lot has changed over the past 20 years when it comes to how sites are ranked and how search engines like Google evaluate the quality of a website, the philosophies that Google has relied on since its inception have remained relatively the same – and they underscore some important takeaways that can enhance nearly any business’ Internet marketing efforts.

What Can Be Gleaned from Google’s Guiding Principles

Philosophy 1 – Focus on the user and all else will follow.

Google’s philosophies can provide some important insights regarding how to enhance your web design & Internet marketing efforts, our pros explain.

Google’s philosophies can provide some important insights regarding how to enhance your web design & Internet marketing efforts, our pros explain.

Specifically, Google has explained that all updates and changes it makes to its algorithms, search engine results pages, etc. are done so with a mind towards serving the user and providing the best possible user experience.

Takeaway: Make this your guiding principle when developing or changing your website. While some of our previous blogs have been dedicated to pointing out how you can optimize the user experience for your website, in general, some things to focus on include ease of navigation, clarity and usefulness of content and site loading times. Avoid implementing elements that will detract from the user experience.

Philosophy 2 – It’s best to do one thing really, really well.

In other words, Google is “focused exclusively on solving search problems, we know what we do well, and how we could do it better.”

Takeaway: Know your business’ strong points, main offerings and primary audience, and focus on targeting them via your website. In other words, don’t try to do everything or appeal to all people because this will likely dilute your strengths, as well as your site’s user experience and optimization. One effective way to do this (depending on the nature of your business, as well as your target audience) is to focus on the local market and gear your keywords/content towards this audience.

Philosophy 3 – Fast is better than slow.

Essentially, time is money, and Google understands that users typically want quality results ASAP.

Takeaway: Make sure your website loads within 6 seconds or less if you want to optimize the user experience. The longer users have to wait for your site to load, the more likely it is that they will click away from your site and look to one of your competitors for information or answers.

Philosophy 4 – You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer.

Basically, Google has noted that “the world is increasingly mobile” and that “people want access to information wherever they are, whenever they need it.”

Takeaway: You need to have a mobile website for your business, and the best mobile sites will be those that work effectively across different devices and platforms. This is where responsive design can be a good idea for business’ mobile websites.

We want to note here that the above is by no means a comprehensive list of Google’s philosophies. They are, however, a good starting point for your design and Internet marketing efforts if you are serious about optimizing your site’s performance and impact with users and search engines.

Contact Epic Web Results for Effective Internet Marketing Solutions

When you are ready to realize the best results from your site, contact the experienced Internet marketing professionals at Epic Web Results. We are up to date with the latest advances in Internet marketing and SEO best practices, and we are highly adept at designing and maintaining optimized websites that will soar to the top of search engines.

To learn more about our customized, innovative Internet marketing solutions, contact the professionals at Epic Web Results by calling (800) 501-9724 or by emailing us using the contact form on this page.