For small businesses, drawing traffic to their site is a major concern. Formally, the term that coins this concept is search engine optimization. There are many sites and businesses out there that offer similar products.  When it comes down to it, they are many websites competing for people’s attention. Without traffic on your site, there are no sales, and just like any business on or offline, without sales your company quickly sinks.

Lets take a look at ways to optimize a number of key areas on your website in order to draw more traffic to your page, and keep your business afloat. Using just one way to direct traffic doesn’t cut it. It is best to take on a few different fundamental ways to direct  more viewers to your site.

Key Terms: Key terms ultimately help your potential customers to find your business in the search engines. However you want to make sure you do not over stuff your site with key words. This can become very annoying, and often do more harm than good.

Content: Having good content is the single best tool a business site can have. It must be engaging interesting and to be constantly updated to ensure that people want to keep coming back to your site.

PPC: Pay per click is a great way to draw people onto your site. You pay for a keyword laced ad on a search engine, then watch as traffic directs your way. Then it is up to you and your site to convert the traffic to a sale. Having an up to date site, and make sure you direct the right traffic can do this.

Load Time: People are naturally impatient, especially with the busy life styles people live today. If your page takes a long time to load your potential customer will leave the site. You do not want anything on your site to load slowly, especially if you want them to return.

These are just a few of many ways that are helpful to increase traffic to your site, and ultimately optimize your business.


If you have any questions or comments, contact us today.