If your marketing strategy consists of traditional means of marketing such as advertisements, direct mail or billboards the idea of integrating Internet Attorney marketing to your marketing mix might seem a bit daunting.  In 2010, Reuter’s polls showed that 80% of adults in the United States have Internet access at work or at home.  In today’s world of Internet savvy consumers, you are missing a significant amount of business if you do not leverage the power of the Internet to help meet your goals.

There are a few basic elements of a successful Internet marketing mix that you should consider when planning your strategy. While not every element will make sense for every business, a good balance of each can be a good launching point for your campaign.

Search Engine Optimization

The major search engines use complex algorithms to determine what websites are most relevant and useful to the person conducting the search. These are based, in part, on relevant keywords and the age of the content. Search engine optimization, or SEO, involves a solid website design that is search engine friendly, keyword optimized content, and ongoing maintenance that involves uploading fresh content by means of adding additional website pages or blog posts for the search engines to crawl.

Social Media Marketing

A large percentage of Internet users spend time on social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. These sites provide a way for people to stay connected and up to date on friends, family, organizations and businesses they are interested in. Social media provides a unique way to get timely information to your existing and potential clients or customers. It also creates valuable backlinks to your website that help increase your website’s search engine rankings.

Local Business Listing Optimization

The days of using phone books to find local companies to do business with are fading quickly. Most local shoppers will turn to Google to find information on local businesses and service providers. Having a high-ranking local business listing on the major search engines allows you to stay ahead of the competition. If you are in a highly competitive industry, paid campaigns such as Google Adwords can give you a boost above the competition.

Location Based Mobile Marketing

Smart phones such as Android and iPhones provide a unique way for customers in a geographical area to find your business. They also provide a great way to encourage customer loyalty. Apps such as Four Square, Yelp and Gowalla allow customers to check in at your location to earn points, have immediate access to coupons and promotions, and provide the ability for customers to leave reviews of your business for others to see.