While you may be able to rely, in some part, on a stable of steady or return clients that can keep your law firm’s practice afloat, being able to grow your practice will take some additional effort that will pay off if you and your partners appropriately invest your efforts. Effective legal marketing to grow your practice generally involves both in-person efforts, as well as online efforts, in order to reach the largest potential new client base and to keep your law firm’s name at the forefront of people’s minds.
When it comes to in-person legal marketing efforts, the following are some powerful ways to reach out to potential new clients and help grow your law practice:
- Attend networking events: As a general rule, it’s a good idea to try to go to at least three networking events each month and, at these events, to try to meet at least three new people.
- Ask current clients for referrals: Your current clients can be a honey hole of potential referrals. When asking clients about possible referrals, be sure to specify the types of clients you are looking for, as well as the types of cases you handle (to make the referrals as viable as possible).
- Speak at community events: While you will not necessarily get paid to speak at public events, getting your face and name out there establishes a connection with your community and can lead to a number of new clients.