For a law firm’s mobile website to be effective, it must be optimized so that it is easy to use, making it more likely that potential clients will contact you for further information.

For a law firm’s mobile website to be effective, it must be optimized so that it is easy to use, making it more likely that potential clients will contact you for further information.

While it’s no surprise that a key component of modern legal marketing involves having a website for your law firm, a growing focus has developed for law firms to have a mobile website in order to access the maximum number of potential new clients. In fact, according to Forrester Research, in March 2012, about 21 percent of cellphone users and about 12 percent of tablet users were using these devices to search for lawyers. Since then, these numbers have likely jumped considerably, given that an increasing number of U.S. consumers are getting both smartphones and tablets on a weekly basis.

It’s important to point out, however, that simply having a mobile website for your law firm may not be enough. In order for the firm’s mobile website to be effective and compelling to potential new clients, it must also be optimized so that it:

  • Is ranked above your firm’s competitors in search engines
  • Is easy to use and read, making it more likely that potential new clients will contact you for further information. 

Optimizing mobile websites involves a combination of web design elements, as well as content features. Additionally, once a mobile website is up and running, getting it to climb up search engine rankings and then to maintain a high rank will require some ongoing maintenance, which usually comes in the form of regularly posting new, optimized content to the site.