Pinterest over the last 6 months became a popular social network; providing visual platform that offers images as a means of engagement, marketing and selling. But the question is, how do you use Pinterest to market your business?

Here is a list of tips and tactics that you can use to your Pinterest business account:

 For your Pinterest Profile:

  • Make your name easy to find
  • Add links that work
  • Add keywords to your bio
  • Link your profile to Facebook to reach out to more friends
  • Do the same with your Twitter account to find followers
  • Let your personality shine to establish real relationships


  • Use creative titles
  • Focus on key words in your description
  • Tag others
  • Pin photos
  • Make it visually appealing
  • Always credit source for pins


  • Use creative titles
  • Mix your content
  • Pin images from clients
  • Re-pin supporting images
  • Create inspiration collages
  • Latest pin should be the largest


  • Review other businesses
  • Evaluate results, what is working VS what isn’t
  • What boards are getting re-pined
  • What keyword searches are working

Pinterest data released stats that is has now surpassed Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube combined as a traffic referrer and now its barely behind Twitter and Google. Pinterest is a great social media tool to generate business and profit from. For any questions or comments regarding this blog, or how you can use Pinterest to optimize your business, contact us at Epic Web Results.