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Epic Reviews:
Easily Amass & Effectively Manage
Online Reviews for Your Business

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Questions you must ask all Internet Marketing Firms before you hire them.

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The online reviews your business has – or does not have – can make a BIG difference in the growth and success of your business.

Recent statics1 on online business reviews highlight just how significant they can be in compelling online consumers to choose your business over competitors:

  • More than 9 in every 10 consumers research online reviews when deciding where to make a purchase.
  • More than 8 in every 10 consumers trust online business reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Whether your business has minimal online reviews, lacks recent reviews or is plagued with poor reviews, Epic Web Results can help you amass more positive reviews and effectively manage any and all negative reviews.

With our Epic Reviews, businesses can easily take control of their online reputation, improve their online reviews and promote their positive reviews.  This can position a business as the number one choice for consumers searching for their products and/or services.

Improve Your Business’ Online Reviews,
Drive More Customers & Profits to Your Front Door

Call (303) 515-7191 or Email Us
For a FREE AUDIT of Your Business’ Online Reviews & Reputation

Our experts are ready to analyze the online reviews for your business, point out opportunities for improvement and partner with you to optimize your company’s online reputation.

Epic Online Reviews: How Our EPIC Review Services Can Benefit Your Business

Our Epic Reviews service includes an array of offerings focused on growing, managing and promoting businesses’ online reviews to generate optimal benefits. This includes:

  • Generating a Review Report Card – Our team will conduct an in-depth analysis of the online reviews associated with your business and assemble the findings in an easy-to-read, concise Review Report Card. This will feature your business’ reviews and average ratings across major review sites (like Google, Foursquare, Yellow Pages, CitySearch, Facebook, Yelp and more), as well as across industry-specific sites. It will also compare your business’ average rating with the average ratings for your leading competitors.
    • This analysis and report is highly effective at identifying opportunities to improve your reviews, set you apart from your competitors and position you to be the most appealing option.
  • Implementing features to easily accumulate more online reviews – We will develop and roll out various features to make it as convenient as possible for current and prior clients to review your business. This includes (and is not limited to) adding review widgets to email signatures, sending out automated email reminders and creating mobile-friendly review options.
    • These features make it easy and effortless for clients to review your business anytime, anywhere and from any device.
  • Monitoring your reviews IN REAL TIME – As soon as any new review is posted (on a minor, major or industry-specific review site), an email alert will be automatically generated, sending the review and associated link for assessment and action. While this can immediately alert businesses to newly posted negative reviews, it also lets them follow up with the reviewer via an automated email to ask for additional feedback so the concerns can be addressed.
    • This empowers our clients to take action whenever a poor review has been posted. It also enables them to easily follow up, demonstrate concern about negative feedback and potentially convert poor reviews into more positive ones.
  • Promoting positive reviews across various platforms – We put your positive reviews to work for you across social media, your website, email signatures and more. By showcasing your best reviews and online client ratings, we can enhance your business’ online reputation, positioning your enterprise as the best choice among the competition.
    • This promotion can be the key to converting an online audience into new clients.

We offer flexible, competitively priced plans to fit your needs, objectives & budget.
In addition to month-to-month contracts, we also offer custom contracts and
significantly discounted annual service plans.

Take Control of Your Online Reviews & Reputation with Epic Reviews: Contact Us to Get Started

The Internet marketing experts at Epic Web Results are ready to partner with you and help you take charge of your business’ online reviews and reputation.

Call (303) 515-7191 or Email Us for a FREE Audit of your online reviews and the insights that can empower you to improve them.

Our innovative, dynamic Review services can be the key to cultivating and maintaining positive brand awareness while driving more traffic to your website and more clients to your business.


1: According to this recent data













