Here is a look at some important SEO strategies for 2015, with specific tips regarding how to incorporate these strategies into your site. Contact us for more info.
SEO is continually evolving, as search engines update their algorithms, new strategies for optimization arise and new ways for searching for online information develop. In fact, in 2014 alone, there were at least 13 updates to Google algorithms, as well as additional, more subtle refreshes and changes.
With 2015 fast approaching, it’s a good time to review some SEO strategies for 2015, taking into consideration what many industry experts are predicting in terms of change in SEO for the New Year.
If you are ready to better optimize your website – or to develop one in the first place, don’t hesitate to contact Epic Web Results. Our experienced professionals can efficiently optimize your site (or build you one) so that your website is positioned for optimal success in 2015.
SEO for 2015: Here’s What You Should Know
Tip 1 – Take a close look at the quality and quantity of your site’s content.
Specifically, industry experts are predicting that search engine algorithms will continue to frown upon:
- Home pages with little to no content, such as those that simply have banners or images on them and a few sentences or less of content
- Other content pages with a minimal amount of content
- Duplicate content being published across various pages on the same site (or across different websites)
- Poorly written content (such as that riddled with typos and grammatical errors).
If it’s been a while since you’ve reviewed the content on your website, now is a good time to take a content inventory and identify “problem” or “potentially problematic” content. Revising, adding to or completely overhauling poor quality content can be a powerful (and relatively simple) way to better optimize your website for 2015.
Tip 2 – Revise your title tags (and other metadata).
Title tags and metadata should not only be completed for every page on your website, but they should also be carefully devised so that they:
- Accurately describe the content of a given page
- Incorporate target keywords (or keyword phrases) for that page
- Meet the specific character limitations for the given set of data (for instance, while title tags typically should have no more than 60 to 70 characters, including spaces, descriptions generally should have no more than 160 characters, including spaces).
Just a few of the reasons that appropriately crafted metadata is so important include that it:
- Is part of what search engines review and consider when ranking pages
- Is what users see as part of their searches (specifically, the title tag and description for a page will be the title and description for that page that shows up in search results).
What this means is that the metadata for a page can be pivotal to enticing people to click through to your page – or to turning them off and pushing them towards other content on other sites.
For our continued discussion of SEO strategies for 2015, be sure to check out the second and third parts of this blog series that will be published soon!
Effective Internet Marketing Solutions at Epic Web Results
Do you need help optimizing, designing or maintaining your website? If so, it’s time to contact the trusted professionals at Epic Web Results. Experienced and skilled, our professionals are up to date with the latest advances in Internet marketing and SEO best practices, and we are highly adept at designing and maintaining optimized websites that will soar to the top of search engines.
To learn more about our customized, innovative Internet marketing solutions, contact the professionals at Epic Web Results by calling (800) 501-9724 or by emailing us using the contact form on this page.