Developing a mobile app for your law firm is generally not a good idea if your firm does not have a budget to promote the app or if it plans on charging people to download the app.

Developing a mobile app for your law firm is generally not a good idea if your firm does not have a budget to promote the app or if it plans on charging people to download the app.

As a continuation of When a Mobile App for Your Law Firm Is Not a Good Idea (Part 1), the following provides some additional information regarding when law firms should develop a mobile website instead of investing in a more expensive mobile app. While it’s generally not a good idea for law firms to develop mobile apps if these apps will simply be versions of their Contact Us pages, it’s also not advisable to have a mobile app for law firms if: 

  • There is no specific target market for your app – If you can’t clearly define who your app is aimed at helping, then it’s unlikely that there is a real market for your app to even exist. Unlike an app, a mobile website can be available to a wider market and audience and does not have to overcome the hurdle of being downloaded first.
  • The law firm does not plan on promoting the app – If you do have a target audience for your app but the law firm does not want to spend any money on promoting it, then the app will likely be DOA, as no one will even know that it exists and that they can download it. Promoting the app should be factored into the overall budget for developing the app if a law firm decides to go this route.
  • The app will not be free to download – Charging for an app is a surefire way to immediately pare down any interested people who may have been willing to download the app, which can be problematic for law firms given the fact that their target audience is likely already a very niche sector of the population.
  • The law firm has a weak or even non-existence presence online – Building a mobile app for a law firm before that firm has a decent online presence is putting the cart before the horse. Since most people who would potentially be interested in downloading your firm’s app will only find out about it (and your law firm) online, if your firm does not have an online presence (or its online presence is weak at best), then investing in the app is a waste of time and money.

Effective Legal Marketing Solutions at Epic Web Results

At Epic Web Results, our skilled industry professionals are up to date with the latest advances in SEO best practices, and we are highly adept at designing and maintaining optimized websites that will soar to the top of search engines. Our extensive experience developing the best possible online results for our Clients means that we consistently provide a variety of cost-effective online legal marketing solutions that can ultimately help grow our Clients’ businesses. Our goal is to provide your business or firm with aggressive, effective legal marketing solutions that will help attract potential new clients while continuing to engage existing clients. To learn more about what we do at Epic Web Results, please do not hesitate to email us or call us at (800) 501-9724.