If you have a passion for what you do, you likely read blogs on the subject. For example, if you owned a cell phone store, you’d probably read all of the mobile techie blogs to keep up to date on the latest trends, right? Well, if you aren’t reading other people’s blogs in your niche, you may be missing out on more than simply fascinating blog posts.

In fact, regardless of what type of blogs you follow, you should interact with the blogger. The comments section after the post of many blogs gives you a major way to impact your search engine ranking. When you leave a comment, there is a line for your name, and your website.  Every time you leave a comment, you create a permanent organic backlink for your site. Every backlink you generate gives your site a little boost in the rankings. For an extra nudge, target blogs with a high page rank and popularity.

It may be tempted to recommend your product or service and to drop a link in your comment, but this will likely get your comment deleted by the blogger as spam. Instead, leaving a valid comment and your link in the field where it belongs will keep you from being flagged and boost your SEO at the same time.

So while it may have seemed that taking an hour each day to catch up on your favorite blogs was a waste of time, you now have a perfectly valid excuse to indulge. Blog commenting is likely one of the most enjoyable ways to enhance your rankings, so enjoy!